~let's pray together for our friend, munirah norzaki~
~by: nisa mohd zaidan~
~by: nisa mohd zaidan~
salam...feel great to post my very 1st writing here...sory for da long silence...actually, i'm not such dat busy to deal only for books or being sum1 who doesn't concern anythin' 'bout all my fellows..but for any reason, dunno y act, recently i love to only observe rather than say anything about sumthin'...for anyone who notice, i used to only write "i like" in any of my post in fb...hehe (dunno if it's a positive or negative) ...and juz like what shahmil has said in the previous post, my grammar also kind of 'x betol'...so, juz read n shut up 
let's bring back our thoughts to our friend, munirah norzaki...in accordance to Moscow blast (if u heard) very recently in Russia, i feel sympathy for her to deal for such a big thing in very young age...not only her, but all the Malaysian student in Russia...feel quite sad for the accusation made to Muslim, as they said that the bombers are two Muslim female wearing hijab...and on the following day, two women wearing Muslim-style headscarves were beaten by four or five passengers on a metro train after the bombings..what the........?
in conclusion...(sikitnye aku tulis...sory coz jap g ade kelas) let's we pray together for the sake of all Muslims...may Allah protect us in His blessing...especially in Russia for the time being..like what arif rukaini has told me..."perjuangan ke jalan Allah bukanlah senang"...so moon, have faith!! we all love you very much
may allah protect u :)

let's bring back our thoughts to our friend, munirah norzaki...in accordance to Moscow blast (if u heard) very recently in Russia, i feel sympathy for her to deal for such a big thing in very young age...not only her, but all the Malaysian student in Russia...feel quite sad for the accusation made to Muslim, as they said that the bombers are two Muslim female wearing hijab...and on the following day, two women wearing Muslim-style headscarves were beaten by four or five passengers on a metro train after the bombings..what the........?
in conclusion...(sikitnye aku tulis...sory coz jap g ade kelas) let's we pray together for the sake of all Muslims...may Allah protect us in His blessing...especially in Russia for the time being..like what arif rukaini has told me..."perjuangan ke jalan Allah bukanlah senang"...so moon, have faith!! we all love you very much

antara pics yg aku amk di tempat kejadian..hehe

p/s : till da next post
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