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Monday, March 29, 2010

the VIEW

~aku pun anak Melayu!~
by: shah bahari

So here’s the deal. From now on, this is my column. Decision: de facto. Well I love to write actually. I don't have a good grammar, so if i made a mistake, shut up and read. I have a blog. Actually, I had a blog. Click on my name on the right hand side, and you’ll have ‘Blog not found’. That is because I’ve already deactivated it. I’ve no idea what to write before, and now when I’ve got one, I’ve no blog. So allow me to sketch on this blog. What? I can’t?

Beat it. Because I don’t give a damn.

Perhaps you’ve been wondering. The title sounds a bit cheesy, as if people aren’t convince I’m a ‘Melayu’, but who cares. Still, ‘Aku pun anak Melayu’, but why am I crapping all this in English? I’m not suffocating about Melayu sucks, but seriously, I’m not a fan. Melayu these days aren’t even Melayu. They have it in their ICs, but deep down inside, none of them is Melayu. The first cause of all I’m crapping about is that, Melayu are negating, I mean, there are some Melayu negating the importance of English language, which they proudly chanting the language as ‘Bahasa Penjajah’. These people have no brains. Let me tell you why.

To make it simple, I have a story here. Few months ago, my sister was shopping in a grocery store. Suddenly she overheard a comical cashier-customer bust up. There were this Chinese fellow, complaining about something to the cashier, in ENGLISH. The customer didn’t quite understand, then the customer ask to see their manager. When their manager came, he also didn’t conversed well either! Suddenly the Chinese fellow squeaking “Aiyaa, this Malay ar, they are so stupid. They don’t know how to talk English!”. My sister overheard that, and then can’t do nothing but face that fellow:

“Excuse me, what were you saying just now?”

“oh, you’re the English-talking Malay ar?”

“Well actually, I am the English-speaking Malay.”

Then the Chinese fellow get quite embarrassed, and just gone.

End of story.

Now, let’s think. What am I trying to say here? We should kill the Chinese because they came to our country as a poor worker and now they are controlling our economy (wow, I’m still good at History. Thanks Cikgu Noni!)? No, I’m not that racist. For those who think that way, please, be a smart 'Melayu' and broaden your mind. I'm highlighting the importance of English language here. Just see how other races spanking us with such stupidity of ours.

So, for those ‘Bahasa Penjajah’ haters, what are you saying now,huh?

However, despite all I'm saying, still, 'aku pun anak Melayu'.

Actually I have lots and lots to talk about on this issue. But let's just give it a break. Next time, I'll tell you why I'm not a big fan of Bahasa Melayu.

If you're not convince nor agree about what I'm saying, please keep doing it. Because I don't quite like a person who keep changing their mind. Even if you agree with me, be my guess. Because I just don't care. Whatever.

Simply because this is my view. This is the VIEW.

Peace ;)

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